Pet Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Pet Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Paws and Claws Pet Care offers both acupuncture and herbal medicine for your pets.

Acupuncture, one of the four main components of Traditional Chinese Medicine, involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body to achieve a therapeutic effect. This method can be used independently or combined with other treatment modalities, such as cold laser and herbal therapy. Acupuncture can treat various disorders, including osteoarthritis and other pain conditions, seizures, hormonal abnormalities, and digestive problems.

Herbal medicine is one of four components of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbal formulations can be used in addition to Western medication, depending on the underlying problem. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use pattern diagnosis to determine the appropriate herbal therapy for an individual patient. Generally, herbal preparations are milder than Western medicines and may take longer to achieve full effect.

We have doctors that have been trained through Chi University. Call us today to schedule a consultation for acupuncture or herbal medicine with Dr. Rambaud.

Veterinary Services

Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Paws and Claws Pet Care. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.